Marriage Therapy Dublin

Marriage Therapy Dublin, Marriage Therapy Success Stories

Marriage Therapy Dublin

Do you want a relationship that is secure, stable and respectful?

Marriage Therapy Dublin can help.

Are you struggling to get your needs met or to be heard by your partner? Marriage therapy Dublin will show you how.

Do you have the same arguments over and over again? If so, then availing of marriage therapy Dublin is a must!

David Kavanagh is a registered psychotherapist.
He is the author of “Love Rewired- using your brain to mend your heart”.

He has helped over 12,000 couples to date and is a specialist in the area of relationship consultancy.

Based in Templeogue, David runs a thriving private practice.

Systemic Psychotherapy

Systemic Family Therapy, also known as Couple or Family Therapy, is a means of intervention that attempts to understand and address human beings’ pain and distress within the context in which it occurs i.e. the family or relationship environment.

David Kavanagh

David Kavanagh is a registered psychotherapist.

David also works with individuals dealing with the following issues: anxiety, bereavement, conflict resolution, depression, divorce, eating disorders, fear, stress, sexual difficulties and many forms of addiction.

David specialises in LGBT couples work and intercultural couples work.

"Couples wait an average of six years of before getting help with their relationship"

-John Gottman

What is Systemic Psychotherapy?

Systemic psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that takes into account the wider systems in which an individual operates, including their family, social, cultural, and institutional contexts. It is a collaborative approach that emphasizes the importance of understanding how these systems shape an individual’s thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and relationships.

Systemic psychotherapy views problems not as individual pathology, but rather as a result of systemic imbalances, interactions, and communication patterns. In this approach, the therapist works with the client to identify and understand the underlying dynamics of their systems, rather than focusing solely on individual symptoms. This approach allows clients to gain insight into their own patterns of behavior and relationships, as well as to explore new ways of relating to others.

One of the core principles of systemic psychotherapy is that change can be achieved by altering the dynamics of the system as a whole, rather than by treating individual symptoms in isolation. This means that therapy may involve working with entire families or groups rather than just one individual. In systemic psychotherapy, the therapist acts as a facilitator, helping clients to identify and explore patterns of communication and behavior within their systems.

Another important aspect of systemic psychotherapy is its focus on the client’s strengths and resources. Rather than just identifying problems, the therapist works with clients to uncover their existing skills and abilities, which can be harnessed to promote positive change. This approach allows clients to feel empowered and capable of making meaningful changes in their lives.

Systemic psychotherapy is also unique in its attention to cultural and societal influences. Therapists recognize that the systems in which clients operate are shaped by larger social structures, such as gender, race, and class. As a result, therapy may involve exploring how societal expectations and biases impact the client’s experiences and relationships.

In conclusion, systemic psychotherapy is a collaborative and holistic approach to therapy that considers the broader systems in which clients operate. By working to understand and alter the dynamics of these systems, therapists can help clients to achieve meaningful and lasting change in their lives. This approach highlights the importance of client strengths and resources, while also recognizing the impact of larger societal and cultural forces on individual experiences.

Marriage Therapy Dublin

Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it.

Marriage Therapy Dublin

Couple Therapy Dublin

Why consult with a Systemic Psychotherapist?

There are numerous benefits to using a systemic approach to client problems. Here are ten key benefits:


Holistic understanding: Systemic therapy views individuals as part of a larger system, allowing for a more comprehensive and holistic understanding of their problems.

Identification of patterns: By examining the patterns of behavior and communication within a system, systemic therapy can identify problematic dynamics that may be contributing to the client’s difficulties.

Collaboration: Systemic therapy is a collaborative approach that involves the client and their family or social network in the therapeutic process, promoting mutual understanding and support.

Empowerment: By recognizing and utilizing the strengths and resources of the client’s system, systemic therapy can empower clients to make meaningful changes in their lives.

Long-term change: By addressing the systemic issues that contribute to client problems, systemic therapy can promote lasting change and prevent future problems from arising.

Increased resilience: By strengthening the client’s support system and improving their communication skills, systemic therapy can increase their resilience and ability to cope with future challenges.

Cultural sensitivity: Systemic therapy recognizes the impact of cultural and societal factors on individual experiences, allowing for a more culturally sensitive approach to treatment.

Effective for complex problems: Systemic therapy is particularly effective for complex problems that may involve multiple individuals or systems.

Flexibility: Systemic therapy can be adapted to a wide range of client populations and contexts, making it a flexible and versatile approach to treatment.

Evidence-based: Systemic therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for a range of mental health problems, and is supported by a growing body of research.


Systemic psychotherapy in Dublin, Ireland, refers to a therapeutic approach that focuses on understanding and addressing relational dynamics within systems such as …

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David Kavanagh


David Kavanagh is a registered psychotherapist.
He is the author of “Love Rewired- using your brain to mend your heart”.

David is registered with the FTAI. He has helped over 12,000 couples to date and is a specialist in the area of addiction.
Based in Templeogue, David runs a thriving private practice.

David prefers to see couples together to begin with, but this is not always possible. Sometimes you may think your relationship is in difficulty, but your partner does not. Even in this case marriage therapy can help.

After the initial consultation, David will then meet you individually where possible. Everything you say is confidential except in certain conditions which David will explain.

David can meet you in person or on Zoom, but please respect all Covid advice given by the HSE before coming in person for a session.


Liz Wilson

Liz Wilson (Mont. Dip. B.A. (Psy), Post Grad Certificate in Bereavement Counselling, MSc, Systemic Psychotherapy) has almost forty years’ experience of working with children and families.

Liz is registered with the FTAI. She started her career working with children and their families whose lives had been catastrophically impacted by the first wave of heroin addiction.

As a systemic psychotherapist Liz is fully qualified to offer couples a safe space to explore their underlying issues and to find solutions and strategies that fit for each client.

Liz is known for her compassionate approach particularly to clients suffering from addictions. Liz can also work with individual clients experiencing such issues as recovering from sexual abuse, trauma, depression or bereavement.

After the initial consultation, Liz will then meet you individually where possible.
Everything you say is confidential except in certain circumstances which Liz will explain.



David Kavanagh


David Kavanagh is a registered psychotherapist.
He is the author of “Love Rewired- using your brain to mend your heart”.

David is registered with the FTAI. He has helped over 12,000 couples to date and is a specialist in the area of addiction.
Based in Templeogue, David runs a thriving private practice.

David prefers to see couples together to begin with, but this is not always possible. Sometimes you may think your relationship is in difficulty, but your partner does not. Even in this case marriage therapy can help.

After the initial consultation, David will then meet you individually where possible. Everything you say is confidential except in certain conditions which David will explain.

David can meet you in person or on Zoom, but please respect all Covid advice given by the HSE before coming in person for a session.

Liz Wilson

Liz Wilson (Mont. Dip. B.A. (Psy), Post Grad Certificate in Bereavement Counselling, MSc, Systemic Psychotherapy) has almost forty years’ experience of working with children and families.

Liz is registered with the FTAI. She started her career working with children and their families whose lives had been catastrophically impacted by the first wave of heroin addiction.

As a systemic psychotherapist Liz is fully qualified to offer couples a safe space to explore their underlying issues and to find solutions and strategies that fit for each client.

Liz is known for her compassionate approach particularly to clients suffering from addictions. Liz can also work with individual clients experiencing such issues as recovering from sexual abuse, trauma, depression or bereavement.

After the initial consultation, Liz will then meet you individually where possible.
Everything you say is confidential except in certain circumstances which Liz will explain.

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